† Stations of The Cross during Lent †
The Stations of the Cross takes place every Friday night during Lent in Athenry Church at 7:00pm. All are welcome.
† Bible Studies – Athenry Pastoral Centre †
Monday Lenten Bible Study Group
Fr. Benny’s Lenten Bible study group will start on Monday nights in the Pastoral Centre. It begins on Monday, 24th February at 8:00pm and continues during Lent. For the week of St.Patricks Day, the class will be held on Tuesday 18th of March at 8.00pm.
Tuesday Bible Study Group
For the season of Lent, we will be taking an in-depth look at the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in the Bible. The group is led by Sean Pokall and meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Pastoral Centre. New members are always welcome. No prior knowledge required.