Adult Choir

St Mary’s Parish Choir is a mixed (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) adult choir currently made up of about fifteen members. The choir has an extensive, varied and ever-growing repertoire, ranging from Gregorian Chant and Renaissance polyphony to modern compositions in Latin, English and Irish, as well as beautiful, time-honoured Catholic hymns. Singing at 11a.m. Mass on Sundays and major feast days throughout the year, the choir aims to give fitting worship to the Lord through beautiful sacred music.

New members are always very welcome to join the choir. The ability to read music (or Latin!) is not a requirement  – what is more important is that prospective members be willing to commit to attendance at the weekly practice which takes place in the Pastoral Centre on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm. to 9p.m. Anyone who is interested in joining the parish choir is invited to contact the director, Niall Carroll, at [email protected] or to simply call up to the choir gallery after Mass any Sunday.