
Congratulations on your decision to get married. It’s an exciting time with lots of wedding planning ahead. Before taking the decision to have a church wedding, we ask you to give honest consideration to whether a Catholic marriage is right for you. We are delighted to facilitate people getting married in the church but we ask them to consider what they are entering into, and whether a sacramental marriage aligns with their personal beliefs and way of living. We will outline some of the steps you need to take in order to plan your wedding.

What is the Sacrament of Marriage?

Sacramental marriage offers the couple a special strength and Grace to fulfil the duties of married life. The sacrament of Matrimony celebrates a couple’s commitment to share the whole of their life together and to show the love of God to each other, to their children and to others through their relationship. Christian marriage is the place where husband and wife, children, family and friends meet God.

The Church rejoices in your decision to get married and offers its continued support to you as you journey together. The Church (the people of God) sees your marriage as a sign of God’s love among us. As ministers of the Sacrament of Marriage to each other, you choose to live your married lives within the community of the Church.

The Sacrament enriches your lives in a very special way but it also enriches the community in which you will live. You become witnesses for Marriage to all with whom you make contact. Your parents, family members, friends, colleagues and neighbours celebrate your entry into Marriage and by their attendance at your wedding ceremony offer their continued support to you for your future.

Your decision to get married is a sign of your love and of your desire to be together as husband and wife.

Further Questions

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the parish (091-844076) or one of the priests whose contact details are on our website.  Every blessing to you both in your preparations.